ULP S2 Ultra-High Sensitivity Sensor
Designed for tests of very weak LEDs with a minimum value of 0.01 mcd and very low-lit switches, controls and status indicators for night displays in automotive interiors. It is recommended to use Wide Aperture Fiber-Optic Probes with Contacting Tips.

Typical response time
- T < 100ms
On / Off answer
- Tests the On/Off status of any LED colour
- Supplies a logic "1" (5V) only when the LED is lit and a logic "0" (0V) when the LED is off.
- The sensor is 'colourblind' and reacts to all colours
- Provides the simplest and fastest 1-bit digital interface to the test bench
Output impedance (for intensity and colour)
- 20mA max. (Source/Sink)
- Non-inductive
- Ultra-high Sensitivity Sensors do not provide intensity output
- The sensor reacts to a large dynamic range
- Suitable for SMD LEDs of at least 0.01 mcd
Available products
OPT-ULP-S2 UHS | Ultra-High Sensitivity Probe |