Catalogue Downloads
Here you will find a variety of useful file downloads from us and our partners. Including product catalogues, data sheets with technical drawings and detailed specifications with installation instructions.
If you have any further questions regarding our products, please contact us directly. We will gladly make you a non-binding offer.
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Company profile
YAV Modules
Test Systems
HV Testing
Product overview
ULP Sensors
- Spectra USB Sensor Installation für Windows, Linux and Minicom (1.2 MiB)
- Sensor Six-Pack Installation Guide (574.6 KiB)
- Sensor Sensitivity Ranges (175.0 KiB)
- S2 Blinx Digital Sensor Datasheet (494.9 KiB)
- S2 Penta Sensor Datasheet (435.4 KiB)
- Sensor Six-Pack Datasheet (704.4 KiB)
- S2 Spectra Sensor Datasheet (494.4 KiB)
- S2 Ultra-High Sensitivity Sensor Datasheet (422.8 KiB)
- S2 Unicolor Sensor Datasheet (377.8 KiB)
- S2 Unicolor Digital Sensor Datasheet (348.9 KiB)
- Spectra USB Sensor Datasheet (533.0 KiB)
- Universal LightSource Short-Length - IR Datenblatt (561.9 KiB)
ULP Probes
Installation / Calibration / Support
- ULP AN 2.5 Installation Instructions 05-01-5 (289.9 KiB)
- ULP AN 13 Pin Out Information and Dimensions (271.1 KiB)
- ULP AN 17 Installing and Replacing (529.0 KiB)
- ULP AN 22 Installation Accessories Sensor and Probe Clamps (673.1 KiB)
- ULP AN 26 Troubleshooting Checklist (288.0 KiB)
- ULP AN 27 Relative Intensity & Calibration (1.3 MiB)
- ULP AN 35 Sensor Sensitivity Ranges (198.5 KiB)
- ULP AN 41.3 Spectra USB Installation for Linux and Minicom (671.2 KiB)
- ULP AN 41.7 Spectra USB Sensor Installation for Windows 7, 8.1 & 10 - 64 and 86 bit (1.2 MiB)
- ULP AN 42 Testing Boundary Color LEDs (950.3 KiB)
- ULP AN 46 Universal LightProbe Spectra USB Sensor Output in Labview - VISA (305.3 KiB)
- ULP AN 47 Six-Pack Installation Guide (574.6 KiB)